Vaccinations Keeping Your Pets Healthy For Life

Pet Vaccinations in Woodbridge, VA

Make Sure Your Animal Companion Is Up-to-Date

Vaccinations are critical to your pet’s health and wellbeing. Our vaccine recommendations will be tailored to your pet’s individual needs.


All dogs must be vaccinated for rabies as required by Virginia State Law. We also vaccinate all dogs for the distemper and parvo virus. Some dogs are vaccinated against Leptospirosis. If your dog goes to the dog park, groomers, obedience classes, or boarding kennel, etc.; we recommend vaccinating against kennel cough and canine influenza as well.


All cats must be vaccinated against rabies as required by Virginia State Law. All cats in our practice are vaccinated against distemper and upper respiratory viruses. The feline leukemia virus vaccine may also be recommended.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often does my pet need vaccinations?

The frequency of vaccinations depends on your pet's age, lifestyle, and overall health. Generally, puppies and kittens require a series of vaccinations in their first few months of life, followed by booster shots at specific intervals. Our veterinarians will create a personalized vaccination schedule for your pet.

What if My Pet Has Underlying Health Conditions?

If your pet has any underlying health conditions, consult our veterinarians before scheduling vaccinations. They will perform a thorough examination to determine the best course of action for your pet's individual needs.

What are the potential side effects of pet vaccinations?

Most pets experience minimal to no side effects after vaccinations. Mild reactions like soreness at the injection site or temporary lethargy can occur. If you notice any concerning reactions, contact Ridge Lake Animal Hospital immediately.

Keeping Your Pet Healthy Starts Here

At Ridge Lake Animal Hospital, we are dedicated to providing compassionate and comprehensive veterinary care for your pet. Schedule an appointment today to discuss your pet's vaccination needs and ensure they stay healthy and happy for years to come.

Schedule an appointment for a pet vaccination in Woodbridge today. Call Ridge Lake Animal Hospital at (703) 662-0222 or contact us online.

See What Sets Us Apart

  • Providing the Highest Standard of Care Since 1982
  • First-Rate and Full-Service Veterinary Care
  • Accredited by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA)
  • Very Active in the Community and Foundations
New Patient Center

See What Our Clients Are Saying About Us

  • “Very positive experience”

    - Diana G.
  • “Treated my puppy like the princess”

    - Lisa K.
  • “They really take their time to make you and your pet feel welcome, and they are very knowledgeable.”

    - Alexandra Presley